• I am an individual creating or joining a team of four and paying for only one registration. Registration fee includes green & cart fees, lunch, 2 drink tickets and dinner for one golfer and a donation to Young Life.
    I want to save $25 by signing up early!

  • I am an individual creating or joining a team of four and paying for only one registration. Registration fee includes green & cart fees, lunch, 2 drink tickets and dinner for one golfer and a donation to Young Life.

  • I am an individual registering a team of four and paying for all golfers at once. Registration fee includes green & cart fees, lunch, 2 drink tickets and dinner for four golfers and a donation to Young Life.
    I want to save $100 for signing up early!

  • I am an individual registering a team of four and paying for all golfers at once. Registration fee includes green & cart fees, lunch, 2 drink tickets and dinner for four golfers and a donation to Young Life.

  • Event Sponsorship includes green & cart fees for two 4 person teams with lunch, 2 drink tickets and dinner for each golfer. Also includes recognition on premier event signage, event media communication, printed materials, as well as a verbal thank you during dinner.

  • Platinum Sponsorship includes green & cart fees for a 4 person team with lunch, 2 drink tickets and dinner for each golfer. Also includes recognition on premier event signage, event media communication, printed materials, as well as a verbal thank you during dinner.

  • Gold Sponsorship includes green & cart fees for two golfers with lunch, 2 drink tickets and dinner for each golfer. Also includes recognition at meals, name on printed materials, as well as signage on the putting green.

  • Includes recognition on signage and printed materials plus a verbal thank you during the dinner.
    **This sponsorship level does not include registration to golf.**

  • Includes signage on a hole plus green & cart fees, lunch, 2 drink tickets and dinner for a team of four golfers.

  • Includes signage on a hole plus green & cart fees, lunch, 2 drink tickets and dinner for one golfer.

  • Includes signage at a hole.
    **This sponsorship level does not include registration to golf**

You must either join an existing team or create a new one here.

"Create a Team" here by providing a Team Name and contact info for a Team Captain.  Create and Join!  Provide your name and email address under Golfer Info.

Select "Join a Team" and add another golfer to the team you just created.  If you're not sure who will be playing with you, just join the team and leave the name and email fields blank (or make up a fun name!).

Your first team is full, so you'll need to create another team.  Select "Create a Team" and provide a Team Name and contact info for a Team Captain.  Then "Create and Join".  Enter the Golfer Info if you know who will be playing.  Otherwise, leave it blank.

Would you like to join or create a team?

Golfer Info

Optional Add-ons

  • 2 Mulligans for use at any time during the tournament

    $10.00 ea.

  • Putting Contest Entry

    $10.00 ea.

  • 2 Mulligans + Putting Contest

    $15.00 ea.

  • Bourbon Pull Ticket

    We have collected a great selection of hard to find or high end bourbons for our Bourbon Pull. Every ticket holder is guaranteed to receive a bottle.
    Bottles will be pulled via a blind draw at the conclusion of our Golf Tournament on Friday, May 9th.
    Must be 21 years of age or older to participate!

    $125.00 ea.



Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RedPodium Sports Event Management System